Piet Zwart Institute

Relocation Piet Zwart Institute.

Client: Hogeschool Rotterdam | WdKA | PZI
Status: Ongoing

“…proposals for housing at the renowned Piet Zwart Institute in the immediate vicinity of the Willem de Kooning Academy…”

A series of proposals for housing at the renowned Piet Zwart Institute in the immediate vicinity of the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam.

“…the distance prevents the students to make use of the workshop facilities…”

The current location(s) of the PZI are in another part of Rotterdam and the distance prevents the students to make use of the workshop facilities. The three studies range from a stacked institute in a high narrow tower to a floating institute in the harbour across the existing school. The latter location was a personal favourite until the municipality has changed their ideas about the programmatic context of the historic harbour. The rooftop extensions will remain as a leading contender for a possible realization.


Project name: Piet Zwart Institute
Location: Rotterdam [the Netherlands]


Design team: Tom van Odijk, David Baars, Alexine Sammut
