Page with information about the website

Fonts + Color

Red = #dd4444
Gray (footer) = #eef1f5

Google Fonts = Inter + Lora



Image sizes (in pixels):

Full screen image Smart Slider homepage = 1920 x 979
Slider on homepage only for smartphones = 700 x 700

Full screen image on project page = 1920 wide
normal width image on project page = 1200 wide (height about 800)
Featured image project (thumbnail) = 1137 x 900
Slider in project (full screen) = 1266 wide (height the same)
Slider with margin in project = 1200 x 800
2 large images next to each other in project = 800 wide (height the same)

In some cases the height of the image may vary.

Press image = 234 x 346
We person image = 400 x 300


Unutilized: Full screen image homepage (Wonder Slider) = 2200 wide



Used plugins:

Wonder Slider Lite for large nage animation on homepage:

WPBakery Page Builder for layout website =

Yoast SEO Search Engine Optimization =

UpdraftPlus (backup in WordPress) =

Under Construction plugin =



Project templates:

Full width image = hart-van-zuid + woensel-west-waaggebouw

Normal width image = cruise-terminal-rotterdam

2 images full width =  hart-zuid-2-images



All online demo’s:

Documentation  (PDF) = Documentation Werkstatt



How to change images in the homepage slider

The large slider for a PC = Smart Slider
(the square slider for mobile is on the homepage itself)


Screenshots Smart Slider:

Smart slider

Smart slider

Smart slider


Screenshot Mobile Slider:
It can be found on the homepage itself.

This slider uses square images:

Screenshot-square mobile slider om homepage

©2021 Website by: Nils Hilbers | |